A Residential & Commercial Hub
The three most important words in investing are “Margin of Safety” as quoted by Warren Buffett. Warren Buffet is an “American Business Magnet” and perhaps the world’s most successful investor of the 20th century. Before investing in a property so many questions and concerns arrives in mind which usually start with “WHAT IF”… till the end of this blog your 90% “WHAT IFs” will be answered with having maximum MARGIN OF SAFETY for you.
Bahria Orchard
Bahria Orchard is an alluring land of Bahria town Lahore near Riwand Road and just 4.5km away from Adda road. Bahria Orchard is a fairytale land on earth that is elegantly designed to beautify the whole town with lavish greenery and immense facilities mainly focusing on the commercial areas including magnificently designed commercial malls, lavish green parks, trails jogging, and biking where a cool breeze always makes you feel pleasant and calm, hospital, vast infrastructure for school and a beautiful mosque in every phase, which are about to be completely constructed. One can be the owner of such a beautiful piece of land by purchasing shops, plots consisting area of 10 marlas to 5 marlas, apartments, and whatnot. It’s a very demanding area in the market due to all the facilities. It is a luxury lifestyle offered in Pakistan for the first time.
Each phase of Bahria Orchard is designed by keeping in view your requirements and designed to provide maximum facilities to all.

Bahria Orchard – Commercial Hub
The commercial hub phase 4 area comprises a variety of updated malls such as Orchard Mall, SQ Mall, Time Square Mall, and a few more that are now under development and waiting for owners to invest in them as the market demand in this area is continuously expanding. Previously, until September 2021, the cost of a 5 marla shop ranged from 1 crore to 1 crore 50 lacs, depending on the shop’s location. The current price range for a 5 marla shop is between Rs 1 crore 65 lacs and Rs 2 crores. There are currently just 5 marla stores available for purchase. It is a worthwhile investment because it is a one-of-a-kind project in Pakistan. Upon entering through the paradisiacal gates of Bahria Orchard, several retail malls can be seen, surrounded by gorgeous landscapes that appeal to the eyes.
We strive to provide our clients with the most amenities and healthy programs possible, and for their convenience, we provide a down payment of 65 lacs and an easy 6-month installment plan for Bahria Orchard Commercial Phase 4 commercial hub property. have a look at this live visit of the property to gain more knowledge about the property,